
I'm not truly sad. I think it's hormones. I miss my husband. I miss my daughter. My son is playing his drums right now...with the door open. That's funny. I want to take my daughter to get ice cream today after school. I want to go buy some maternity pants because I can't find any of mine. I want to go "do" something, but I don't know what.

Randy looked at me like I was nuts last night. I was upset - not crying or anything. I had put clean sheets on the bed so he could sleep on them before he spends the next couple of nights in a hotel in Michigan. Plus, he had to wake up at 4am. The kids for CG watched a movie in our room and the bed got messed up. I was upset because the sheets wouldn't be as "tight" as I had planned for them to know...fresh sheets feel just right. Anyway, he asked why I was bothered by something that normally wouldn't bother me. I shrugged my shoulders. I'm just emotional. Thank you very much to this sweet little baby I am helping to grow.

This blog makes no sense! At least my house is clean. Because we had CG at our house two nights in a row, we had to make sure it stayed clean. I don't have to worry about dusting and such. Just had to do a little cleaning up in the kitchen after both nights.

It's almost time to go pick up S from school. I hope she had a fun day. I'm ready to get her today, too, cuz we're going to call Randy and let the kids talk to him since he had to leave so early.

Another random thought: I have my appetite back for the first time since about July 5. I think I've gained weight this week...just since Tuesday. Chips and hot sauce sound good all the time, but it's not a craving. One couple brought some homemade salsa on Wed. They let me keep some. I've eaten some at least once every day!

I've been thinking we're having a girl because I've been more emotional (like I was w/ S - no crazy emotions w/ M). However, Mexican food sounded good to me all the time w/ M like it does now, so who knows? Hopefully, we'll find out in about 10 days.

I'm also trying to decide what to wear next week-end to Randy's sister's wedding. I don't really have anything, and I'm not "big" enough for the maternity stuff I do have that would work for a wedding. I tried some of my stuff on this morning. I look like I'm about 2 months away from giving birth w/ that stuff on. However, I am still wearing my regular jeans, so I'm really not that big. Maternity clothes have a way of helping with the appearance I guess.

Okay, I'm done for now. Have a great week-end!! =)


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