We can't please everyone, so what do we do?

Last night I watched from the living room as my husband sat in our office in meetings for over an hour and a half trying to determine the best way to lead our church. What I have learned during the course of our marriage is that it is hard for our pastors to minister to people who don't agree with each other. I'm not saying people don't agree with God. I'm saying people don't agree with other people. 

Over the last few months, our church leadership has tried to make the best decisions based on the information they have at the time. Has everyone agreed with their decisions? No. Has everyone trusted their decisions? No. Have people reached out regarding their decisions? Yes. The final answer: No one agrees, and we are all adjusting and have been since day one of COVID-19 in our country.

Our new normal is chaotic and scary, frustrating and overwhelming. The following is what I personally feel we all need to step back and realize:

  • If we have to wear masks, some will be mad. If we don't have to wear masks, some will be mad.
  • If students return to school as normal, some will be bad. If students only attend online, some will be mad.
  • If you go on vacation, some will think you're crazy. If you go on vacation, some will think you are fine. 
  • If churches are open, some will be mad. If churches stay closed, some will be mad.
  • If you go to the store wearing a mask, some will be glad while some will roll their eyes and think you should have more faith  
  • If you go to the store without a mask, some will avoid you while others might even high-five you.
It doesn't matter what decision is made, someone is not going to like it. I am a people pleaser, and I always want people to be happy. That is absolutely not possible, and I feel even more impossible right now. 

I just kept thinking to myself last night as my husband was in his meetings - how can this group of men possibly make a decision for our church? No matter what decision is made, there are people who will be upset. Therefore, I am writing this today to ask you to pray for those who are in leadership above you and make decisions that affect you. Have any of us taken the time to do that over the last four months?

This Scripture from 1 Timothy chapter 2 seems so applicable right now: 1 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

These verses were written to believers in Christ - to lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. May we all take some time to pray for those who are in leadership positions - in our communities, in our counties, in our states, in our nations and in our world, and may we strive to please only our Savior and not ourselves, to draw people closer to Jesus Christ and not to what we agree/disagree with.


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