
Showing posts from September, 2010

Bittersweet USA/AFRICA

I'm missing my husband today. Yesterday, he embarqued on a journey to Africa. Ghana to be exact. It's his first time to travel there, and I am very excited for him. At first, my thoughts of this trip were along the lines of, "What are we going to do without him here? How will I be able to manage being a single mom of sorts while he's gone? I'm not going to sleep well. I'll be exhausted." etc. Looking back at each of those comments, what I notice is selfishness. I was completely consumed with ME! "Poor, pititful me" BOO HOO! Call the "Waaaambulance". Seriously. That's what was running through my mind. Then, I realized that my routine is going to be basically the same. I'll eat foods I like...and know what they are. I'll sleep in my own bed, have running and cold. I'll have safe water to drink. I'll see a mosquito and not worry about malaria. I'll kiss my kids every night and morning.