
Showing posts from 2009

Potty training

I've always heard it's easier to train girls than boys. I'm finding out that this statement is true. S was completely trained by 2 yrs and 8 mos - including overnight. However, she was waking up completely dry in the mornings. She also realized when she was wet or going to be wet. She didn't like being wet. M is completely different. He wakes up almost every day w/ a very full diaper. I know...don't give him anything to drink. I can't do that. I still sometimes need a drink of water in the middle of the night. It's awful when you're thirsty and can't get a drink. Anyway, he also doesn't care that his diaper is wet or dirty. He only lets us know he's dirty when there is something he wants to do that might be inhibited by wearing a diaper full of poop! I'm trying again today to just let him wear underwear and take him to the potty every 15-30 minutes. So far, so good...about 1 1/2 hrs. He knows he'll get a piece of candy if he uses the

A realization

This is going to sound like I was mean, but read with an open mind. Last night the kids were arguing with each other to the point of one of them crying while the other came to find me to tattle. I had gone over by the front door to turn on the exterior lights. It had started to get darker outside, and there were no lights on in the living room. As I heard them coming, I decided to just stand in my slightly shadowed spot to see what they would do. I could easily be seen if they were looking for me and not just hoping to find me wherever I was, but I was not out in the middle of the living room. They were both calling for me...each to tattle on the other. I watched them walk through the living room into my bedroom never turning on a light. When they called as they walked into my bedroom, I answered, but they neither one turned around. They just kept on walking all the way to my bathroom. They called, again, and again I answered. They could hear me, but they couldn't see me. When they

What to do? What to do?

So, I've been wondering since last night if I need to take M to the doctor. He's been coughing since Sunday night, and it has gotten the point of gagging last night. However, I called the dr on Monday and asked since he has not had any fever. Fever is a sign of the pigs flying and I don't want any of that in my house! Anyway, they said as long as he has no fever, there is no need to bring him in. I called again this morning because he coughed a lot more last night. They are very nice at the dr's office. I told them what was going on, but I also said I don't want to bring him in and expose him or me to any flu-like sypmtoms in the waiting room. They gave me a website to go to and said it would basically give me the same information that they would. Seems a little weird to me, but I really don't want to put us in a location where I'm quite sure there has been any type of flu. I feel better now. The website stated exactly what's going o


I'm not truly sad. I think it's hormones. I miss my husband. I miss my daughter. My son is playing his drums right now...with the door open. That's funny. I want to take my daughter to get ice cream today after school. I want to go buy some maternity pants because I can't find any of mine. I want to go "do" something, but I don't know what. Randy looked at me like I was nuts last night. I was upset - not crying or anything. I had put clean sheets on the bed so he could sleep on them before he spends the next couple of nights in a hotel in Michigan. Plus, he had to wake up at 4am. The kids for CG watched a movie in our room and the bed got messed up. I was upset because the sheets wouldn't be as "tight" as I had planned for them to know...fresh sheets feel just right. Anyway, he asked why I was bothered by something that normally wouldn't bother me. I shrugged my shoulders. I'm just emotional. Thank you very much to this swe

Quiet time

Okay, no this is not about my kids' quiet time in which one of them reads while the other plays make believe with his pillow, blankets, books and cup until he falls asleep. This is real quiet time. There is no tv noise in my house right now...very unusual for me. I ALWAYS have the tv on either a show or at least the Christian music channel. The only noise is my fingers typing away on this. It's funny how this is the first time my kids have been with g-parents and I haven't been somewhere also. Everyone is asking what I'm going to do w/ the free time, so here is what I've done so far... I planned to sleep late as no one would need me to turn the tv on for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Imagination Movers, Sesame Street, etc. That didn't happen. I adjusted the number on my sleep number bed and didn't sleep well last night. It made my back hurt, so I finally just stayed awake at about the time M has been getting up anyway. =) I have folded and put away a load o


Over the last month, Ihave been going...and Idon't just mean in the regular day-to-day stuff at home and work. I have been from coast to coast...and loved both trips...from Georgia to California (Wow! never really thought that would be something I could say). Yes, work on Tuesdays and Thursdays. However, between being out of the state, meeting MIL to pick up M, working VBS at work - 4 days in a row, S's rehearsal, recital, b'day, and sleep-over, preparing for last days of work...I finally have time at home! Georgia was awesome, and I'm still trying to figure things out. Crazy Love by Francis Chan is a great book. I'm still working on it, though. I have noticed that it affects people who've read it differently. I don't want to be the same person after reading it...I can't be. Look in the Bible...I can't be the same person I have been. I'm selfish, and there's nothing positive for those people in the Bible. Jesus was humble! He was a servant. ~

Overwhelmed, yet not at the same time

Do you ever feel that way, but at the same time you don't feel overwhelmed at all? I've been following a friend's blog for about a week, now. I'm so impressed with her. She does so many things in her home in so few hours and then gets to do the things she wants to do. Of course, I can tell from her blog time that she is a very early riser...something I am not. I am a night-owl. Early for me is 6:15 am, and that doesn't happen very often. I am just not motivated to move that fast. There are always things I want to get done and things I want to do, and somehow, I only get to 1 or 2 of the "have to get done" things. That's where the overwhelmed comes in. There are all these things that really need to happen. I can't do them on Tuesdays or Thursdays because I'm at work. The past few weeks it seems like there is something on Mondays and Fridays as well, and on Wednesdays, I have started going to a book/Bible study...which means I really do

12 years of marriage

It was twelve years ago today at 6 pm that my husband and I began our wedding ceremony. We have actually known each other since November, 1994...14 years. It has been a wonderful. Not that we haven't had our rough times, but the good times definitely outweigh the hard times. My husband is a wonderful man. He has grown so much in his relationship with God, and he continues to pursue that relationship, which is extremely important. We have been blessed with two wonderful children. A daughter who is six and a son who is two. This won't be a long blog. I could tell very many stories, but the most important thing is that we love God and we love each other! I love you, Randy!! Thank You, God, for this wonderful man you placed in my life. I am so undeserving! You, God, are so amazing!!! I love You. Thank YOU! Thank YOU!!