Mixed emotions

Here I am just a little over 14 days until Sutton's c-section date, and my emotions are weird, again! I am so excited to have her here to hold her, kiss her, watch her being loved on and hugged on by Sydney and Micah. It is just so exciting!!!

However, at the same time, I'm sad. I've come to realize that this the last time I'll be pregnant...which is something I truly enjoy. So the "mixed" part is that I don't want her to come out just yet. I want to continue to feel her kicking and moving around on the inside. It's such an amazing feeling that only God could create!

So that is where I am. Pray for me, please. Both are strong emotions right now. My other concern is I don't want to go through post-partum like I did with Sydney.

Thanks for reading this one =)


Jen Smith said…
Definitely praying for you - I would imagine that the emotions would be very mixed! You aren't the first person I've heard say that when they know it is their last baby... PRAYING daily and willing to listen if ya need to talk! Love ya!

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